About Us

Malaga a Toda Costa is a portal of alternative tours in Málaga Province that was born with the purpose of making Málaga known from another point of view, more alternative and according to our changing times

How it Begins

Hosts from Malaga, we landed in this wonderful city 20 years ago.

During our experience as tour guides in the capital and in other provincial cities, we were missing something when it came to conducting our guided tours. They made us very monotonous.

In 2019 we decided to get together with several professional colleagues and create new alternative tours that would show this province from a different point of view than the conventional one, which makes the visitor fall in love with it so much.

Malaga to all Coasts was born with the purpose of contributing something new and fresh to the usual guided tours, in addition to creating a memory in the visitor about this city and its province that will be difficult to forget.

Logo de Málaga a toda Costa


The human capital of Malaga throughout the Coast is made up of official Tourism guides of the Junta de Andalucía with experience in guided tours in the province of Malaga.

Our online team feeds our blog with very interesting content for the traveler and manages our social networks.

We combine our passion for Malaga and for Tourism, which makes us embark on a professional path dedicated exclusively to guided tours and the creation of leisure and cultural events.

Given that the province of Malaga has sufficient infrastructure for the development of this activity, our enthusiasm, dedication and effort are aimed at creating a sustainable framework in this guild, to establish a stable present and future for our professional branch.

Local Guides

Passionate about art and its province, our tour guides are bilingual and accredited by the Junta de Andalucía.

English and French spoken

Team in constant learning to offer the best experience to visitors in their source languages.

Online Team